Products 13-15 of 15
Availability: Out of Stock
Item #: HWO1 -
Large majestic form, valued for its water/rot proof lumber, oak wilt resistant as it will wall off the disease. Excellent acorn production, preferred by wildlife because it lacks the tannins found in acorns of the black oak family. Medium growth. 80 feet
Availability: Out of Stock
Item #: HYB1A -
Deeply veined dark waxy green leaves, shiny golden bark, a mature trunk diameter of 3 feet, make for an impressive specimen. A valuable forest product, wood from yellow birch is used extensively in industry, if it’s made of Birch.. it’s likely “Yellow Birch”. First People of the Ojibwe used the yellow birch for blood purifier, a flavored drink, lodges, canoes, basketry and more. Of major ecological importance, Yellow Birch is food for both the Morning Cloak and Dreamy Duskywing butterfly...